On Saturday May 24th 2014, at 11 a.m. the environmental tourism center “Arz Ehmej (Ehmej Cedars)”, financed by USAID and DAI, was inaugurated. In this context, The Mayor Mr. Nazih Abi Semaan noted some activities undertaken by the municipality, inter alia: widening the Annaya-Ehmej road, digging an artesian well providing water to the town all year round,creating an artificial lakefinanced by the pontifical mission in Lebanon in order to encourage agriculture, establishing an apple refrigerator, encouraging environmental tourism through Arz Ehmej thatensures the visitor’s comfort and peace of mind. The Enmaa’ Ehmej Association (Ehmej Development Association)’s president Mr. Mikhayel Gebrayel provided package tours to the park including accommodations, diverse sports such as climbing, hiking, and the traditional food restaurant. He also exhibited the association’s activities. In addition, The Lebanon Mountain Trail Association (LMTA)’s president Mr. Fady Moujaes pointed to the importance of sports, and of creating hikingtrails linking all of the Lebanese regions together, the last of which is trail 15 that puts Ehmej on the hiking trails map. As for the director of the Lebanese production sectors Dr. Kanj Hamadeh, he stressed the importance of tourism development in rural areas, and the role assumed by the USAID in this regard. In the ceremony a hiking trail of 35 minutes was inaugurated, a document on appropriately dealing with nature was signed by the mountain guides team and the president of the production sectors Dr. Jane Gelson. The guests also enjoyed traditional rural meals. The ceremony was attended by many Lebanese tourism centers directors and association presidents in Ehmej.