Starting at Haqlet al-Heya, the trail passes ”Qornet-ar-Raheb” on its way to Ain-Nassouh (like T1). There, it leaves the major Mihal valley to the adjacent ‘Azr, a beautiful forest of iron oaks and many other species, winds its way up to the Wardiyat orchards, crossed by a side-road.
A rather steep path leads to a pass at 1830m facing strange rock formations near at-Tellaj, where snow remains hiding from the sun rays until summer. A short detour allows the visit of the sinkhole and of a curious cleft in the culminating cliff, part of the highest summit of the area.
Downhill starts (400m). First to the ”Ouyoun an-Nkhaa” water spring, 1700m, then to ‘’Mathqoubeh’’, a wide-open punctured grotto, to follow from there on, agricultural and internal roads among apple and cherry orchards, in small successive ups & downs, all the way to Aqoura (Point C).
Passing during picking-up seasons is a real delight, experiencing hospitability and witnessing beehive activity of the locals.