Loops number: 2
Major loop: A-B-C-D-A
9.3 km
Start at St. George chapel of Bkarta (like T8), altitude 1300m. The loop is described anticlockwise but can be done either way.
From the old oak tree next to the eastern wall of the chapel, a narrow footpath goes East, up to nearby Ain Bkarta, a captured water spring, and continues North, uphill, following the T08-way towards Aarbet Marina but soon leaves to cross westwards the thalweg above the chapel to an old sand quarry to the right.
Through the quarry to the pass above, altitude 1400m (the highest point of the itinerary), for a path that goes down to the apple orchards and to the sandy road that goes along. Worth mentioning here, the possibility to turn right to join T08 at Tarouaj-Jamal.
But our itinerary continues north, downhill through the valley Wadi Drata (funny name in Arabic) until it reaches Ain Drata, a non-drinkable water hole, and another old sand quarry.
The left flank of Wadi Drata is a rugged crest separating the sandy area of the valley from the rocky terrain beyond, invisible from the valley, that will be the passage back to Ehmej. This clear-cut separation is an interesting geological phenomenon. The sandy road turns left to exit the valley to the wider Marj agricultural area. A slight uphill path leads to one extremity of Jaj, the Ansil quarter and, after a short distance on asphalt to a small bridge over a small stream.
Before leaving the asphalt, the hiker decides whether or not visit the Mar Abda parish church and the most extraordinary evergreen oak next to it (additional 10-minute uphill and back – part of T11).
From al-Ansil, a footpath follows the left bank of the small stream to the very nice Ain Mazruq water spring. A stone fountain and a small “jorn” help the thirsty to drink. Stone basins and old walnut trees lay ahead. The path continues to just before the main road where it turns left through pinewoods to join another valley and another water spring both named Ain al-Hajal, i.e. the partridge. We are now in Saqi Rechmaya at 1100m, the lowest part of the itinerary and the end of its first leg; Duration 2.5 hours.
Worth the visit is the old traditional house of the Sfeir peasant family, with its interior columns and its wooded ceiling, not to mention the hospitality. Few minutes down the asphalt lead to the important Saqi spring and further down to the long deserted feudal red-tiled manor of the Khazens. But those are just options for those who wish to terminate here and avoid the uphill of leg2.

From Ain el-Hajal, a footpath goes the rocky upstream among the wooded flanks until it reaches al-Marjagain , not far from the exit of Wadi Drata. At this point, the path turns South to an uphill through the rocky ar-Roueimat, passing small cliffs and nice formations until it reaches a small “qabou” on top of a small hill, a good spot for rest and picnic. Just behind, a well. The trail continues uphill to a pass where old houses and sheepfolds are well hidden among trees and rocks. This is Ram Michmich, a plateau of orchards and greenfields. Another pass lies ahead, 15 minutes away. Behind it is Ehmej. As one crosses it, a sandy road to the left leads directly to Bkarta, the starting point.